Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter CHA

I can't believe it's CHA again!
Seems like just yesterday we were all in Florida for CHA Summer.
I wish I could be at CHA Winter in sunny California but attending from my computer is good too. (At least I get to see Tim Holtz up close!)
It's truly amazing how this industry has grown and inspired men and women to document our lives through journaling, photography, paper and embellishments!
This year is no exception with tons of new releases and eye candy to get your creative juices flowing!
Here's a few links to my favorites so far:
There's so much to see at CHA with lots of links to check out. If you want to see a day by day account
check out Christine's site. I've bumped into her at every CHA I've attended. It's almost funny, I would be at a booth and there she and her team were taking photos and interviewing. Again and again throughout the day we would be at the same booth. We laughed and asked what each other did, she gave me her card and I've been a fan ever since. Check her out, she also has pics on Flicker. www.scraptime.ca.


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