Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

We celebrated my birthday and Mother's Day together this year. My gift was a long waited for Cannon SLR camera (only because I couldn't decide which one I wanted!) So here we are after brunch and I'm thinking there isn't any camera that can make us hold still, open our eyes and all smile at the same time!


  1. excellent choice of camera. We're arranging a class from Stephanie to learn how to use the cameras to their fullest. Do you want in?

  2. Sherry you are so funny! Congrats on the new camera and don't forget to tell me when the date of the class, 3 years later and I still don't know how to use it!

  3. I'll let you know as soon as I hear.
    Are you still planning on the Copic Certification?
