Monday, December 12, 2011

Twelve Tags of Christmas

Tag 11-first go and watch Tim's Video on shrink material and ultra thick embossing powder in a melting pot, come back here and I'll tell you how I did it. First of all I used Tim's mini leaf and snowflake die to shrink. My shrink material wasn't as translucent as his (it wasn't milky white but had a frost to it) so after shrinking I inked both sides to make the color show up better. I don't have a melting pot so I used ceramic candle melting pot. The kind with the tea candle on the bottom with a ceramic bowl that sits over the flame. As Tim stated you don't have to use ultra thick embossing powder but it works great if you do have some. Once the granules melted the shrink material reacted just like Tim's did in the video. For the rest of the tag I followed Tim's directions. I love this Santa so it didn't bother me that I had used him in another twelve day tag. See you tomorrow for the last tag.

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