Thursday, December 8, 2011

Twelve Tags of Christmas

Day 7 tag is a mixture of what I had with what I didn't have. What I did have was all the inks and the Glassine Kraft paper. If you have some and don't know how to use it, check out Tim's video. For the title I used a wood stamp and a swirl stamp to look like one stamp following Tim's instructions to complete that. I hand cut the holly leaves and the twig, used bells instead of berries (I like bells.) I don't think I used enough Lettuce in the blend of inks for my holly (they don't look very green to me) so I used some Glimmer Glam (Tattered Angels) to make them pop a bit more. I finished off my tag with a green checked ribbon (okay, I also like checked ribbon.) Just think in an hour Tim will post tag 8!

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