Saturday, May 5, 2012

Art of Wild Abandonment Bloghop

Hi, welcome to my blog, if you are following the Art of Wild Abandonment Bloghop, you have probably came here from Stephanie's blog. After you have read my post don’t forget to follow the bloghop onto Ulrika Blomfelt's blog. If you haven’t yet started the bloghop, why not join in the fun by visiting to learn all about it.”

If I could describe the workshop I enrolled in with Junelle Jacobsen (The Art of Wild Abandonment) via Scarlet Lime (Christy Tomlinson) in just one word, it would be "sweet" because you just want to keep 
coming back for more! Junelle's no pressure approach to teaching makes you want to pick up your pencil and create! It's been a blessing being part of this workshop and community of "art" friends. Enjoy looking!


  1. Lovely art! I love the string on your laundry pile...such a nice addition!

  2. Thank you for letting us visit. Of corse you know I adore your books and balloons.. simply wonderful! Nice to see your blog and you..tehhhee

  3. Love the quote you have used on your flowers page. So, so true.

    Love the border round your baloons too!

    Claire Smillie

  4. Such pretty pieces! I agree that I know I will keep revisiting this workshop many times :0)

  5. I love all of your pieces! And I love the friendship quote.

  6. Lovin' the flowers!!! Had alot of fun with the class. Thanks for sharing your work :)

  7. Great art but your flowers are my favorite.

  8. your artwork has such texture and a great color palette - thanks for sharing!

  9. oh my your are so good. such fun and inspiring pics. loved your balloons!!!!

  10. Love your cone flowers and your friendship note. ♥

  11. The blooms are gorgeous! I still need to try that technique.

  12. OH, I love your post! Thank you for being apart of our hop! Cute stuff, I adore your bird tag you made a post or two below...

  13. Love the balloons. Thanks for sharing

  14. So cute....your balloons are just adorable and the friendship quote you used is just perfect! :)

  15. Great projects! I love how your flowers came out :)


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